je me souviendrai si j'ai été là



I had a dream last night I had a Mohawk. I wish I had a Mohawk.


You were singing like a city of electric light. You were singing like a hole in the ground. You were burning like a hole in the ground.

A pair of eyes. And I thought you were just a spaceship.

The Diseased Trees play Kensington

We were photographed by a guy who works in a site called: We showed up on the site the next day! Siiick!

the Diseased Trees

Second Concert, 10 April 2009

1. The minute we sat down in the park with our gear, I noticed the first-clarinet for the CPO was sitting on the bench directly beside us

2. Then he left

B. The kid who was screaming along the entire time she was there in her stroller

C. The photographers

4. The skateboarders who gave us pizza

V. The American dollar and the cigarette we got tipped

VI. The cig we smoked while we drummed

7. The ripping sax solos! Sexy!

8. The time Nick and Alex joined in, with biking and colouring

10. The old djembe master who stalked us in his car

Z. And, of course, sunglasses