je me souviendrai si j'ai été là


Les frères sept

I. He has great things coming His ways. I'm an old woman in my 60s and he's an old man in my 70s. I just thank the Lord the dog enjoyed it too. I haven't been out of the house since last March coming. (Can't get outdoors with her arthritus).

II. John, from Calgary: Valentine's for a Man and a Female. (I want it to be the right young lady. When the girl comes around, every day will be Valentine's day). Don't get me wrong, Christmas is great, it's like Jesus' birthday. Should've I done this? (Getting roses at the office... or chocolates). (The girl's get dressed-up for Valentime's Day). Pressure will get to you.

III. Gus, Line 7, From Toronto: (How would you rate your Valentine's Day?) I'd rank it a 6. I'm young, like I'm 17. I'm kind-of like in a similar situation. I'm trying to learn the best about myself. If the right one's there then go right towards there. He's doing the right decision. (Waiting will never hurt).

IV. Sharon (the Atheist): My Valentine's Day was a 10. 5 years ago my boyfriend cheated on me and I've just been single for 5 years. It's just hard this time of year. It really sucks being alone.

V. Cheryl, Richmond, Q.C.: (K-yew see) (Quebec, rather). I've been very sick for the past few years. I live with a lot a lot of pain. My spine is really compressed. I think Valentine's is about remembering Lord Jesus. You get let down, eh? Sorry, not Korea, Asia... past Singapore. (It sounds like you need a prayer of reconciliation).

VI. Paul, from Ottawa (6): Closer Christian walk. Raised Catholic, strayed from the church. Going to bars... stuff like that. Been single for the last 2-3 years. Everyone should be able to be separate.

VII. (Jose? Am I pronouncing that right?) No, it's Josée, it's French. (Oh, Josie). Line 6: It's very difficult today and on Valentine's Day. 48 years old. You trust people. I just found out that he went out tonight... with a woman. (I didn't marry until I was in my... 58).

Coke-Laced Marshmallows

We stood outside the house where the party was supposed to be. In fact, it was there, because we could see it because the lights were on. And I was afraid they could see us inside, but a) they weren’t paying attention to what was happening outside the window and b) he said that they couldn’t see because there was a reflection. I never really confirmed in my own head what or how this reflection was, but at the time I assumed he was right and it didn’t matter.

We stood outside waiting to go in, and then I had this genius idea where we light the second round of the Prime Times (cherry and peach, respectively) and we pretend to be finishing a smoke before we go in. And I think I said this because I thought someone was coming out for a smoke from inside. I remember there was a time constraint because of this fact. But I fumbled with the matches the lady at Macs gave me, and basically laughed and blew the flame out as I tried to light the cigar in front of my mouth. Finally the host (one of the hosts) came out and was smoking and saw us and said my name and I was sheepish and came closer and blurted out a lame excuse about finishing a smoke and then we all hung outside until the time came to go inside. I guess the plan sort-of worked.

We got inside and there is one guy I know who is cool on the floor cutting out snowflakes from folded paper, because everyone is doing it. I figure it’s a weird pretense for hanging out in a room (the living room). I figure the scissors can’t be safe with all the drinking that’s going on. But nevertheless, there they are. Snowflakes, even though it’s an extremely mild, relatively snowless February. Wait, maybe that’s the main reason to make fake snow. I remember asking this guy to make a mini-one, but apparently the paper is too hard to cut when it’s folded so tight.
We’re sitting on the couch (the good one, who the hell knows how we got it). We’re playing hangman in my sketchbook a) because I bring it everywhere, and b) because it’s nice to do when you don’t know anyone at a party. I imagine it’d be a nice way to get to know other people too, but I don’t know if we have that intention. I don’t think I do. We play games that start out with general themes, then turn to movie quotations, then turn to Star Wars quotations. E.g. “That’s no moon... that’s a space port!” or “It’s never gonna run” or “These are not the droids you’re looking for”.

Another host hands us marshmallows. It’s really funny and random but kind of hard to notice just how weird until after, when it’s really funny. It’s hard to tell if it’s funny because it’s weird or if the joke I made about them made them funny and therefore memorable. I said they were probably Coke-laced.

Les dessins, c'est vrai

to times!

srahh says: (12:31:22 AM)
dude, know what i hate?
srahh says: (12:31:26 AM)
arial font.
tiffa says: (12:32:13 AM)
i agree!
tiffa says: (12:32:16 AM)
also helvetica
srahh says: (12:32:24 AM)
i agree!
tiffa says: (12:32:25 AM)
but times, man
srahh says: (12:32:34 AM)
I just didn't want to say it at first, because I was worried you'd make fun
tiffa says: (12:32:36 AM)
times is the shit
srahh says: (12:32:41 AM)
to times!
srahh says: (12:32:45 AM)
(new roman)
tiffa says: (12:32:53 AM)

People's Comments This Week

1. J. Ketchum at the house- negative, but with good intentions

2. the guy who works at the drum store- positive, but with a noticeable bias

3. some kid at work while I was working till- ambivalent

4. some kid in aisle 6- slightly rude, but probably just curious (i.e. "You look like a cow!")

"We're Fucked"

This older woman came up to me and said, "I hope you don't have your tongue pierced too!" And I said, "No, not yet." Or something cool like that. This was at work. She started talking about how the hole in your tongue never fully heals and is susceptible to bacterial infections and shit. Then she was ranting about viruses and shit, and how they mutate real fast, and there's no way to stop them, and people started paying attention to the HIV virus, because it became such a huge deal, but there's lots else that'll kill ya. I was pretty amazed. She just kept talking because I was being all nice and listening, you know. We were standing in the Crayola aisle. I was beside a ladder holding watercolours. Anyway, she said, "We're fucked" and left.