I've been lucky with my period. It's never stopped me like it has some of my friends. I stay active. Once I even went on a hike. (My friend Gloria thought I was nuts.)
So when my period arrived the day Tom and I planned a long Saturday, it honestly didn't bother me. We had tickets for the road show and a big Broadway hit. The songs really took my mind off things. During intermission, I made a beeline for the ladies' room. But the line was so long, I decided to wait until the roller rink.
That's the last I thought I gave to my period, until I was putting on my skates. All of a sudden, it dawned on me. I got to the ladies' room in the nick of time. I'd had an accident, but only my panties and I knew.
That's what made me try beltless Kotex maxi pads. I read on the back of the package how they have 13 absorbant layers. 13 absorbant layers sounds like a lot less chance of an accident. Especially when there are 3 adhesive strips to keep the pad in place.
If you had an accident last month, you need protection you can count on. You owe it to yourself to try beltless Kotex maxi pads. Because accidents shouldn't happen. That's why I switched.